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Sports Massage Zone - Peta McSharry

12 January 2013 In About

Welcome to Sports Massage Zone. We provide our service to you subject to the following Terms and Conditions of Service:

12 January 2013 In About

We specialise in treating soft-tissue, of which the symptoms can be quite vast. We don't diagnose problems and where we are unsure or are aware that the problem cannot be resolved with soft tissue work, we'll refer for further medical investigation.

We have some interesting case studies on treatments where we've helped clients avoid surgery or where they have struggled to find a resolution to their problem. We can't write all our cases up, so here are some of the other areas we've dealt with over the years. Many of our injuries are within the fascial system, our area of speciality, this explains why we see such good results when treating.

12 January 2013 In About

With training from the London School of Sports Massage and members of the Institute of Sports and Remedial Massage, our team are capable of treating acute and chronic injuries with an in-depth knowledge and years of experience, as a team we work well together as we all have the same high standard of training.

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Sports Massage Zone

Sports Massage Zone - Moorgate, Liverpool Street, Bank EC2
3rd Floor (Bell Court Dental Practice)
1 Throgmorton Avenue
London EC2N 2JJ



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