Wellness Plans

Sports Massage Wellness Plan

Many of the leading Medial Aid plans offer a wellness plan which you can use to get a sports massage. These plans require a certain level of qualification, we are pleased to say all our therapists are members of the Institute of Sports and Remedial Massage (ISRM), one of the recognised bodies which many of the Medical Aids require if you are claiming back your treatments.


We will provide you with a receipt showing all the details you need to present for you to claim back from your wellness plan such as:


We will provide you with a receipt, this will have all the information Healthshield need to refund your treatment, you can logon to your claim area to submit your claim: Healthshield Sports Massage


Bupa Cash

If you can claim your sports massage via your Bupa Cash Plan, we will provide you with a receipt with all the details you need. You can logon to your Bupa Cash Plan to submit your claim: Bupa Sports Massage


If your company runs a Wellness plan and you can claim your sports massage, let us know and we'll issue you with a receipt when you come in for your appointment. Our team hold membership to the ISRM, they are recognised by the Wellness who cover Sports Massage in their plans.


Our Team

Peta McSharry (LSSM) dip.

BTEC Level 5 Sport and Remedial Massage Therapist (2003)

Member of the Institute of Sports and Remedial Massage (ISRM)


Tammy Large (LSSM) dip.

BTEC Level 5 Sport and Remedial Massage Therapist (2018)

Member of the Institute of Sports and Remedial Massage (ISRM)


Sports Massage Zone

Sports Massage Zone - Moorgate, Liverpool Street, Bank EC2
3rd Floor (Bell Court Dental Practice)
1 Throgmorton Avenue
London EC2N 2JJ



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