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Fascial fitness

We spend a huge amount of time training our muscles and lungs, however many of the injuries we get are in our fascia or connective tissue. It forms  a large part of our biomechanical function or movement, yet we neglect this vital part of our bodies. In standard medical training fascia is removed so we can see the "vital" workings of the body, yet it forms an important part of the information highway in our bodies, along with load balancing our structure and key fluid movement in tissue.

Fascial Fitness

Research in this field has opened up our understanding of this tissue and allows specialists in soft tissue to influence and monitor the changes taking place, resolving issues which seem a mystery to other areas of medicine.

The contrast between sitting in fixed positions all day and then doing movement is what I call the "I slept badly syndrome" or the "Monday injury".  Often, it has nothing to do with how you slept but what you were doing during your waking hours. The system responsible for many of these complaints is fascia and with developments in research we are finding better ways to apply effective treatment. It is quite possibly the most exciting changes I have seen in tissue in all my working years, something which could take 4 months, is now only taking 3 weeks. This helps with my most feared question from injured athletes "when can I start running again?".

Fascial fitness has become a big part of our remedial program, we have watched the results from our athletes with great excitement and are seeing benefits with those who don't play sport and suffer from poor working posture.

Our fascial fitness program forms part of the remedial excises we give to most of our clients.

Sports Massage Zone

Sports Massage Zone - Moorgate, Liverpool Street, Bank EC2
3rd Floor (Bell Court Dental Practice)
1 Throgmorton Avenue
London EC2N 2JJ



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