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Sports Massage Zone - Peta McSharry

26 December 2017 In Case studies

Four weeks into training for the London Marathon, our runner started getting sensitivity in his Achilles tendon and first thing in the morning it felt stiff. He saw us at the start of training to get a Marathon MOT so we picked up this injury early.

22 December 2017 In Cycling

Getting a bike fit from a professional can help with ongoing issues especially when your mileage ramps up. Understanding which bike fit may be best and where to go can sometimes prove daunting. Over the years I've had many bike fits and here I offer some advice and have written a book on cycling including bike fitting advice.

07 November 2017 In Case studies

Chronic back pain afflicts many of us especially with so many desk jobs requiring hours of sitting and not moving. Getting to the root cause of back pain may not be easy and this case study shows this to be the case. But with the right knowledge and a key understanding of human structural mechanics, fixing a "unsolvable" problem can happen.

07 November 2017 In Articles

We have seen the face of sports massage in London change over the 15 years we have been in practice. From a field where no physio would consider having a sports massage therapist as part of their clinic, to being a well recognised field in manual therapies. Trying to work out what you need can be difficult and here I want to talk about how I personally work to get clients back up and running.

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Sports Massage Zone

Sports Massage Zone - Moorgate, Liverpool Street, Bank EC2
3rd Floor (Bell Court Dental Practice)
1 Throgmorton Avenue
London EC2N 2JJ



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