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Sports Massage Zone - Peta McSharry

18 January 2013 In Articles

What happens on a Sunday night must be a curious thing, where so many folk wake up on Monday morning with a pain in the neck. Is this a psychosomatic response to the impending doom of facing another work week, or is something more sinister at play?

18 January 2013 In Articles

Ever wondered why cowboys walk the way they do? Maybe not, but now you've read this, I bet you're curious.

17 January 2013 In Articles

What are the benefits to a post-exercise massage and when is the best time to have one. It's a question we're asked frequently and as we gain more knowledge in the effects of a massage, our thinking is changing in what the real benefits are.

14 January 2013 In In the press

Ten hour training rides and many a long night spent in a barn on a turbo training for a distance record, made up much of the training schedule for David Harmon (Eurosport cycling Commentator) and Jez Hasting (wilderness guide). Injury at this point in training would mean an end to the record attempt, When a crash resulted in a torn Achilles tendon, getting back on track needed to happen instantly.

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Sports Massage Zone

Sports Massage Zone - Moorgate, Liverpool Street, Bank EC2
3rd Floor (Bell Court Dental Practice)
1 Throgmorton Avenue
London EC2N 2JJ



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