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Sports Massage Zone - Peta McSharry

22 January 2013 In Testimonials

"I am serious - this woman is a wonder"

I can highly recommend Peta McSharry ... I am serious - this woman is a wonder! Very knowledgeable and a serious sportswoman herself (long distance cyclist), she gave me lots of tips as well as the massage. I went from barely able to walk on Monday and Tuesday to walking a mile on Wednesday, cycling on Thursday, pilates on Friday and cycling and a short run on Sunday. I would not have believed it possible. Sports massage is the best!

21 January 2013 In Running

Long, harder, faster. Striving for the ultimate goal to beat the last one brings on many challenges in it's own right. Training for the big one isn't just about time commitments to train - food, sleep, kit choice, recovery, social sacrifice, crunching the numbers all play a part.

21 January 2013 In Running

To run faster you have to train faster. This means building speed work into your sessions. More often than not this will need a good core and some weight training. A good coach will give you a rounded plan to suit your goals. Knowing how to recover and preventing injury is key to sticking to your training plan.

19 January 2013 In Case studies

While impact in cycling is low (as long as you stay upright), repetition on the other hand can wreck havoc on joints, muscles or fascia. Treating such issues requires an in-depth understanding of cycling, the changes made to bike set up and understanding how muscle imbalances can play a pivotal role in getting to the bottom of a bad cycle.

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Sports Massage Zone

Sports Massage Zone - Moorgate, Liverpool Street, Bank EC2
3rd Floor (Bell Court Dental Practice)
1 Throgmorton Avenue
London EC2N 2JJ



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